Artificial respiration (or artificial lung ventilation) is performed to restore the breathing of the victim. In the erste hilfe kurs laimer platz you will learn that knowing the basic rules of artificial respiration is very important and can be useful in dangerous situations.
It is necessary to:
- Turn the victim on his/her side and clean his/her mouth (if necessary)
- Place the victim in a horizontal position
- Gently tilt their head back:
- Place one hand around their chin
- Lift until their chin is in line with their neck
- Open mouth and cover mouth to prevent infection
- Hold his nose.
- Take a deep breath.
- Breathe out strongly into the mouth (wrap your mouth around the victim).
- Breathe out for one second at a time.
Erste-Hilfe Kurs München said that if CPR is performed in conjunction with IHM (indirect heart massage), 2 exhalations should be made for every 30 presses.
Heimlich Method
Erste hilfe am kind münchen says that the Heimlich technique is used when a foreign object is stuck in the throat and the victim cannot do anything about it. Usually, in such cases the person cannot breathe or cough. The victim is said to wrap two hands around his throat, thus showing his condition.
In erste hilfe seminar you can learn main steps, that should be done:
- Stand behind the victim’s back
- Make a fist and place one hand on the victim’s stomach with the thumb under the ribs, in the middle of the body
- With the other hand, place the palm of the hand below the fist of the first hand.
- Bend your elbows sharply as if pressing your fist under your ribs (toward yourself and upward)
- If a pregnant woman or an obese person chokes, the hands should be placed on the middle part of the chest (to the height of the nipples).